Diamond Mines

An audio drama by Peter Armetta

Check out these two excerpts!

You’re There, Aren’t You? (3:16) The children discover an unexpected path to the mysterious dark lake that leads to the world beyond time.

Every Now Has a Soul! (3:37) A lost secret about time is revealed to all!

In “Diamond Mines,” three children discover that an abandoned tar pit, soon to be developed into a shopping mall, is really a linking place to an eternal world, where they are instructed by a wise but eccentric grandmother.  When the tar pit is paved over by the developer father of one of them, they must find mysterious ways to persuade their parents to alter the world of time, so their children can return.

The complete audio drama is available for free download…here.


Jason Brown – Josh Rengert

Jasmine Norcross – Alyson Ayn Osborn

Martin Norcross – Mark Homayoun

Frank Brown & Mr Hilyard – Peter Armetta

Meg Brown & Mrs Norcross – Sharon Mann

Grandmother & Butterfly – Mary Thomas

Recorded by Joe Sorce at Bolton Music Studio in West Linn, Oregon

Written and produced by Peter Armetta

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