(By way of greeting, here’s a musical invitation for you…)
Audio PlayerYou Tell Me Your Dream and I’ll Tell You Mine 2:07
A landing is a touching down, a coming to earth. A Landing is a place where people gather as journeys begin and end, a place where goods are loaded, unloaded, and claimed for future use. Dreams Landing aspires to be a staging ground for the images and stories we unknowingly hold in common, an arena where we can affirm that we must live our stories together in the timeless land of myth and dream, as well as in the world of daily life…
Audio PlayerAnother Place, Another Time 3:23
For a taste of what we’re about,
visit our productions of
Dance with a Wounded Tree
You Are Not My Enemy
Space Rangers
and our
Mythological Audio Dramas, our Dream Gallery and our ongoing project, One Earth, One Dream
Who is Dreams Landing?
We are a flexible ensemble of writers, composers, artists, performers, consultants, and dreamers based in Portland, Oregon, who are convinced that the rejection of the invisible, transcendent realm of myth and dream has impoverished and endangered our world.
Our mission is the creation, performance and distribution of works and events which demonstrate the possibility of healing and renewal through access to mythology, the dream, the shared story and the arts. Specifically, we are working to bring together practitioners in psychology, mythology, spiritual traditions and the literary, visual and performing arts to offer audiences in the metropolitan Portland, Oregon area, the Pacific Northwest, and the wide world beyond a unique, interactive performance-centered educational experience.
The conflict, division, and seemingly unresolveable polarization we see around us every day come partly from our lost access to the realm of mystery and transcendence, where we experience our connectedness and our mutual creative possibility, despite all appearances. We are dedicated to devising innovative ways of experiencing together the images that come to us from this lost domain, so the story of renewal we so badly need can begin to take shape in the outer world.